Ordering Decimals Calculator
Ordering decimals from least to greatest might be tricky for students who try solving it for the first time. The best trick is to arrange the given numbers in a vertical order at exact decimal places and then start ordering the decimals.
For example: Arrange the given decimals least to greatest: 1.32, 1.302, 1.322, 1.303, 1.33
Solution:Let us first order the given numbers in a vertical position:
As you can see, there is no difference till the first decimal (until 1.3) and the changes take effect after that. Hence, we could easily pick 1.302 as the least in the given numbers and then 1.303.
Similarly, by looking comparing the second decimal we could write,
as final answer.
Enter the decimals in the below online ordering decimals calculator and then click calculate button to find the output.
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