Coulomb's Law Calculator
There is force created when 2 charged bodies gets closer to each other. If the charges are opposite charges it would create an attractive force and on the other hand if the charges are similar then it would produce repel force as we see in magnets which is known as coulomb's law.
The force varies depending upon the distance between these two objects. If the distance between the bodies is low then the force is high and the force gets weaker as the distance between the bodies increase.
The formula to calculate coulomb's law is mentioned below:
F = Force on one charge by other [N]
k = electrostatic constant = 8.99 * 10
9 [Nm
1 = charge 1 [C]
2 = charge 2 [C]
r = distance between the two objects [m]
In the below calculator, enter the respective fields and click calculate to find the force between the objects.
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